Thursday, March 31, 2005

characters in horror movies are not christians.

the typical thing. you do something wrong, you get spooked, you run around in fear and then you either die of fright/supernatural reasons or you live the rest of your life scarred and traumatised. either that or you are constantine. (keanu reeves!!!)

at least that is what i think about horror movies. i never ever watch them because i'll end up giving someone panda eyes from sleep deprivation.

i can only come to one conclusion after going through the spiritual warfare sermons with pastor tay: characters in horror movies are not christians. because in those biblical times, Jesus drove out many demons and spirits. and He promised us and gave us authority to use His name to do the same. as such, in His name, demons and evil spirits will have to leave once we call upon the name of Jesus.

with one of the most powerful names that ever existed on our side, one should never have to feel spooked or fear.

which is why i say, characters in horror movies are not christians.

just a thought. not even sure if i'm talking sense. hehe.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

random thoughts (i)

i was browsing through my comments and i nearly fainted when i saw that one of my favourite bloggers actually commented on my post. wow.

anyway, nothing much today. just thought will leave anyone reading this blog with a quirky thought of the day. well, it's as quirky as i could make it.

chris was talking about how adam and eve ate from the tree of knowledge in the garden of eden.

according to genesis 3:7, ""the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realised that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves."

no wonder we are the only creatures on earth that wear clothes.

that quote excludes ridiculously dressed poodles and circus animals.

Friday, March 25, 2005

good good friday...

it's good friday and annunciation day. but i did not feel good, neither was i happy when i watched the news.

in fact, i was shocked by the images of people crucifying themselves in the likeness to Christ as "penance". somewhere in this planet, believers are whipping their backs red, dragging the cubersome cross and nailing themselves in the likeness of crucificion to commemorate good friday.

"what's wrong?" you ask. "it's penance for their sins!"

penance? ouch.

Christ has done it and His blood alone is enough. because of His sacrifice we are spared of such pain. someone point out to me where exactly in the bible did it say that penance for our sins requires us to crucify ourselves again?

the only requirement for our salvation is through faith, and not through acts. by multilating their bodies (even though it was supposedly for a holy cause) how exactly are these people pleasing God?

i'm not saying this is wrong. but it does not mean i cannot feel repulsed at such drastic actions. and definitely, i do not understand why they had to do it.

anti-atheist argument

how do you prove God's existence? by the Bible?

but... but... the Bible is proven to be unreliable because calm one has pointed out in john 5:7-8, a footnote says 'not found in any Greek manuscript before the sixteenth century'. so, the Bible has been edited. it's not reliable anymore.


there's the interesting argument which divides the christians from the non-believers: if God exists, prove it. when christians whip out all ways and means to try convince others that the Lord is the true God, non-believers will sneer and say: "if your God is that great, why did He allow that tsunami to happen?"

to this question, i'll just refer them to job 2:10, wherein it was said "shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"

humans have funny quirks. they love to remember the bad things that they are dealt with. nobody really bothers with the good things that happen anymore. the same goes with non-believers when you talk to them about the goodness of God. they would never ever realise the subtle miracles and blessings God showers on us until they experience the grace of God. for these people, they need major signs from God. who knows, maybe they will need God to tap them on their shoulders and say "hi, I Am God." before they believe. (even then, some may rationalise and probe about it until their belief degenerates into disbelief.)

the thing about God is that He is not a flamboyant one. God does not believe in showing off His powers or parading around in His glory. various biblical examples show this point:

1. when Jesus performed His many miracles, He told the people to keep quiet about it. in matthew chapter 8, He cured the man with leprosy and said "see that you don't tell anyone. but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them." when Jesus healed the blind and the mute, He told them "see, that no one knows about this" (matthew 9:30).

2. Jesus set the example of how a christian should be like when He declared the Pharisees as "hypocrites". (the Pharisees are highly flamboyant in their religious practices, doing great works for show) Jesus Himself said "do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach" (matthew 23:3) despite the fact that they were one of the most religious groups of their time. for "your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (matthew 6:3)

God is not obliged to prove His existence to us. He could have easily let us burn in hell for our disobedience and lack of faith. God was not obliged to send His Son to die on the cross for people who He knows will not believe in Him. i know this because of faith, the knowledge that Jesus died for us. it's not a blind faith, it is a faith based on instinct - an instinct that knows our Saviour. through this faith, God is real, Heaven is real.

non-believers may read this entry and snort in disbelief. "this girl is talking nonsense! she is just another bible-thumping evangelist wannabe."

to those who do not believe, i say: i'm sorry you do not believe. and i shall not try to change your train of thought because you obviously have not experienced God's grace yet.

but i'll pray and hope... and live in faith.

a walk to remember

i'm not much of an evangelist. i'm not one who goes out to friends and tell them my story, much less strangers. i used to get creeped out by extreme christians driven by newfound zeal, arm-twisting you into church, and so i swore i'll not let myself loose like that and scare people off. but.. the question was: how was i to fulfill my duty as a witness of Christ? the answer came quite naturally: blogging.

this blog is a creation as proof of my testimony.

viewing things from a Christian or a Christ like perspective changes a lot of things - most important of which is your attitude and your behaviour. you start living life in a different light.

this is a journal of a christian just born into her faith.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


i set up this blog mainly as an outlet to share my journey. even if nobody reads this, it serves as a journal to record the amazing route i'm taking now in developing my relationship with Christ. i have no specific rationale for the name, just picked a number with a special biblical significance (seven is for perfection) and coupled it with speed - some idea i had to do with regards to a slow walk with God... because in this life, you'll miss out on the good things if you rush everything.

this blog is purely from my point of view - myopic or otherwise. i do not seek to impose my faith upon anyone, and neither do i expect anyone to impose their views on me. if you've got any issue to raise, i request that you show some respect by raising it in a sensible fashion in the comments box.

that said, thanks for visiting. i hope the stories shared here will bless you in one way or another.

God bless!

for life's just-in-cases

i never had any respect for trolls, or people who argue for the sake of making noise. i just thought i'll pen it down here because this blog is literally sacred ground to me, any offensive remarks will not be shown any mercy.

before anyone starts saying how i'm one of those rigid christians who cannot take criticisms about her precious Jesus, here's a definition:

offensive remarks - senseless remarks about my religion without any logical and/or proper argument to back said senseless remark. "because i say so" does not count as an argument.

if you want to debate christianity with me, i'll be more than happy to take you up on the challenge. i love debates, especially when it is on a topic i'm passionate about. who knows, we might stand to gain from our little discussion. =)

but if you're here just to mock my beliefs just because you read some trash like the da vinci code, don't waste your time because i will also be more than happy to fire right back at you. don't insult me with your shallowness. come back when you have a valid point to make.

this is my blog, so i reserve all rights to all content posted here.

for the record, i haven't had any trolls on this blog yet. this blog is quite low profile and all who visited before are really nice people (big waves to all!). my previous experience with trolls on my other blogs is what prompted me to write this. my relationship with Christ is too sensitive a topic for me to take the risk of this blog having resident trolls.

i'm here simply to write, but i'll fight for my faith if i have to.

now that this has been all cleared up, peace! =)

g'nite all.