Sunday, April 08, 2007

respecting the sanctity

i hate it when parents let their kids loose in the library. they will start talking loudly, whining, crying, screaming, running, God-knows-what. and it irritates me all the more because i was a librarian and have been taught to respect and keep the silence in the library.

similarly for the sanctuary. there are just some places where public displays of affection are totally not appropriate. call me legalist, but these people don't realise how much they are affecting the spiritual atmosphere by acting as if a sunday service is a pop concert or a movie theatre.

today i had double eyesores presented in front of me. one girl was hanging on to her boyfriend (husband?) like a baby koala hanging on its mother. a lady sitting behind them had to tell them that it's ministry time and they should stop hugging (thank God!). another guy further in front can't seem to keep his hands of his girlfriend (wife?) throughout the service. they were holding hands and waving them in the air even while worshipping. any non-believer might have thought he walked into some taiwanese singer's concert in the middle of a ballad or something.

we're talking people who are older than i am. i am appalled at the lack of common sense and respect shown by these people.

in other ridiculous soundbites,

"Christians believe that Jesus rose three days after His death, mocking His crucifixion" - channel newsasia

mocking? bad choice of words, cna.

this easter has turned out to be quite... ridiculous.


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