Tuesday, August 16, 2005

arguing with an atheist

ok so that guy may not really be an atheist. (i did not ask.) but one thing i know is that he does not believe.

anyway i just realised the value of Scripture when people question about God and His existence, His reasons for doing things the way they did.

this will be a short post of the more memorable parts of the chat, because i've gotta rush off to sleep.

for once, i found myself challenged to explain my faith without christina (who usually does the talking) around. i was asked to explain, among half a zillion arugments and questions of God's apparent shortcomings, why God does not die, why God allows atrocities such as murder to take place, why Jesus condemned the Pharisees and why (the guy i was chatting with) was not allowed to condemn preachers as "crooks".

each and every point was rebutted with contextual knowledge of the Bible as well as God's word. we may not fully be able explain the reasons behind all of God's actions but God does not leave us overly stranded in the face of a question firing squad.

this debate refreshed my spirits and my faith in God. that living life, to quote mr. atheist, "misled" is better than living life without Christ. that i can actually stand up for Christ, and do my bit to magnify His wonderful name.

it also made me realise the importance of having an adequate grasp of the Word... and not to say a trying test of my patience when that guy starts flaming you. (cue to shake head)

that said, i think i'd better quickly finish up my readings and go to sleep.
God bless!

p/s: raymond, i hope this satisfies your request for a decent post. =p


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still not satisfied! haha.

But really, in my experience as a Christian for about 5 years or so, I've realized 1 thing. Using the intellectual discourse to prove your point about God is good, but certainly never the best way to preach to a non-believer.

The world out there wants to experience God. Besides supernatural personal encounters, the only other way for them to experience God is through us. They experience His love through us. Also, when we are filled by the Spirit, certainly, they'll be moved the presence of God we carry. :D

But of course, I don't mean we should totally rule out using logical theorizing as a means of evangelizing. My point is that God is not against reason, but He's beyond reason. It really isn't easy using science to explain His existence.

Blogger lyn said...

dear oh dear. i think i am too tired to think up of anything good these days. =(

thing is the guy knows God. he is just questioning why God did this and why God did that. so i simply used biblical logic to tell him why so.

i think he's just trying to pick a fight. heh.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love defies all logic and all logical reasons to explain it. - D W


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