Thursday, September 15, 2005


List three random facts about yourself that your friends might not know. And then tag five other friends to do it.
and so i was ordered to by an inquisitive raymond. lol

1. the official story behind my name
for those who know my real real name (as in my birth cert spelling of my name marilyn) and never known why, here is the real story. it was merely a typo error by the clerk at the hospital that my parents did not correct. and so that name stuck with me through primary and secondary school. that was the time when i hated it most because everyone simply kept trying to make it sound like "meril living" or "meril veen" (looking back i felt like a pokemon. although they didn't exist in those times.)

now i just sit back and have a blast watching lecturers struggling to pronounce my name. the ones i will admire are those who are unfazed by the weird spelling and coolly breeze through it by calling me marilyn (if they figured it out) or by my markedly more normal sounding chinese name (when all else fails). hehe

this is kinda cheating i know cos i think quite a few of my friends would know this. haha. but who cares!!!

2. i share the same birthday with at least 4 other people i know
and i was once upon a time i was reaaallly upset because i really wanted to be special. and then i grew up and learnt that every 2 seconds a kid is born somewhere on this earth. means i technically have 30 (kids per minute) x 60 x 24 people with the same birthday as me. not so special anymore..

3. i once tried to eat a chicken magnet
ok so this is one of the more embarassing moments of my life but it was quite memorable. my neighbour offered me a magnet that looks like a chicken drumstick. i remembered one part of me was saying "don't eat it. it's fake!" but i went ahead and bit into it anyway. my mom and neighbour looked at me and promptly burst out into laughter and removed it from me. i must have been about 5 at that time.

beats me how i never noticed:
#1. my neighbour took the drumstick from the fridge door
#2. the chicken drumstick was flat at the back because it was a magnet
#3. the chicken drumstick was plastic

but wha-hey. i was young and foolish then.
now the deep dark secret thoughts and memories of lyn are out.

i am not tagging anyone cos all i know have already been tagged. whoever wants to do it just go ahead. do leave me a comment and i'll pop by to read it too. hehe. ;)

anyway tired out from schoolwork. =(


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