Thursday, September 15, 2005

heartbreaks and stereotypes

*disclaimer: this post serves only to reflect the author's points of view and was not written for any express purpose of converting or dismissing any person's views.

"I totally agree on your point (that no gods exists), there is definitely no God. If there is, he/she/it is drunk, to allow so many bad things to happen." - lynne commenting on a blog

initially i was tempted to make a comment in response to the several who staunchly believe that there is no God, but refrained from doing so simply because i will prolly come across as narrow minded and whiny (omg you dare say God does not exist? *bitchslaps whine pout pout pout* i hate you i hate you i hate you!) if it was not worded properly.

that is not the way i want non-believers to see me as a christian.

i have already stated my case on why God allows bad things to happen to this world. good things have come out of the recent tsunami, and katrina is still an on-going thing so we cannot really say for sure. all i can point people to when they ask the classic "if your God is so good, why did He allow this to happen?" is what joseph said to his brothers, (simply paraphrased) that whatever was meant for evil, God meant it for good.

"for My ways are higher than yours" and "lean not on thine understanding" and the likes. (pardon me. i'm not really good at biblical quotations)

anyway, that was the first point of this post, elaborated before and reiterated again.

i don't think many christians zealots read that person's blog because all the comments in that particular post came from presumably non-believers.

maybe, just maybe, i was tempted to write something along the lines that goes "God exists you frigging idiot!!! and how dare you say (insert something they said about God) about my God?! my God is da best!!!!@!#@!$%@ you freaks will burn in hell!!!"

smells of a zealot huh?

i guess that's how some people think of us. christians are crazy Jesusfreaks, period. not a very flattering label, is it?

i'm sure many do not have a good impression of us. i've heard of friends complaining about members of a certain church in jurong being super persistent and draggy towards non-believers. i was on the receiving end from one of their members once upon a time and it nearly costed me a friendship.

say "christian" and invoke fear because this person might just drag you to church, and maybe insist you get baptised immediately, anytime soon.

there will always be the black sheep in our midst who will, be it intentionally or accidentally, tarnish the name and reputation of the entire group. afterall, the bigger the group grows, the more flak it receives?

ironically, other major religions such as buddhism or islam does not have the same effect. maybe it's because they do not have the Great Commission?

personally, i disagree with the approach some christians take in evangelising. but this matter is really a case of "to each of his own". i'd rather take the easier way out by living a good Christian life and showing, by example, what God has done in me, for me. of course, i cannot avoid the traditional evangelism techniques.

i know God exists, because He has worked in my life and still is working. whoever said God is dead/drunk/non-existent, i can tell you from personal experience you are wrong.

whether you believe or not depends on whether you want to believe. if your heart is closed off to the possibility that Jesus is alive, even if i were to invite Jesus Himself to a dinner party to meet you, you would not acknowledge Him as the Christ.

and there's also that one about God's perfect timing but i shall not go into that.

i think the post is becoming incoherent as it is.


Blogger Dr. Fletcher said...

Whatever makes God drunk, I wanna make some of it!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes it takes us normal people to work in their lives on God's part before they actually experience Him personally. I mean well, we do carry His presence after all.

Blogger Zen|th said...

Don't worry about it. The topic of God, pain and suffering is the most difficult and complicated question to answer in Christianity. A related topic is also Predetermination and Free Will. All these topics have been debated for ages, so most of the time I leave the debating to the experts and read up on my own. =)

Blogger lyn said...

thanks guys.. =)

Blogger Inarticulate said...

heyo, long absence makes the heart grow fonder. And I'm still fond of reading your entries *winks*

Blogger Agagooga said...

There are people who *know* that Elvis is alive, aliens exist and Xenu is waiting to take over our minds once again.

Blogger lyn said...

gabriel seah visits! *faints*

pardon my swakuness who's xenu?

Blogger Agagooga said...

Okay I think this was before they notified people of comments.

Xenu - the evil guy in Scientology


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