Tuesday, May 17, 2005

the christian's bed of roses.

ever wondered why they say "life is not always a bed of roses"?

like, why must it be the thorny but beautiful flower that is linked with life? why not something sunny or sweet such as the sunflower or the daisy? and when we say that "life is not always a bed of roses", does that mean life is easier because you will not be lying on a bed of thorny flowers?

oh wait, i forgot that roses can be grown thornless now. but that is besides the point.

in being christian, does life become any rosier? my attention was brought to the fact that some people get the misconception that life as a christian is easier because God solves all our problems.

hit the buzzer someone. we are fighting delusion here.

being christian means life gets harder. but more meaningful. accepting this religion relationship means more obstacles that will be thrown your way because you are more spiritually in tune. that is when the rose thorns start to become prickly. the good christian is constantly under the demonic radar because satan is not happy about our salvation. it sure is lonely in hell.

fortunately, rose heads are bigger than the thorns. the same goes for Jesus, for He is bigger than those thorns we call the devil. while the thorns are a part of the rose, what we really focus on is the flower head itself. and the flower is what brings us the pleasure.

when we experience the relationship we have with Christ, everything else pales in comparison. because we know that the Lord will provide for and protect us. and just like a rose can be de-thorned, with God's help we will be able to remove the thorns in our beds of roses.

it is never easy to be christian. but the rewards that are promised at the end does justify the journey we take.


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