Tuesday, April 19, 2005

acting in love

there is something weird in her mannerisms. something about the way she walks, the way she talks and even the way she looks at you. it gives you the vibes that she is not like us. she wore a tee shirt with the "society for the physically disabled" crest.

she quietly observes the commuters and murmurs the names of the next station in her discordant voice. the commuters around her stared fixatedly in another direction.

she spots an empty seat. but it was quite a crowded train and somebody quickly got to it instead. you can sense the mix of disappointment and resignation in her response "aiyah!". nobody else on the train stirred.

her movements were obviously impaired and so was her speech. all she wanted during that train ride was a seat.

observing this woman from a distance of about 2 meters away, i cannot help but feel indignant about the way singaporeans treat the needy. we can give cash away by the bundles to charities that might well be bogus, but nobody bothers to give up a seat to someone obviously more in need.

how many times have we seen healthy men and women have sudden attacks of narcolepsy whenever a pregnant woman boards the train? how many times have we seen cases when the advertisements plastered around suddenly become a fascinating read when the elderly old man hobbles onto the bus?

*sings* what the world needs now is love sweet love... it's the only thing that there's just too little of...


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