Sunday, April 17, 2005

you're christian = you cannot blog properly

i remember that once i was talking to raymond about blogging. we came to a conclusion that all the popular blogs (i.e, xiaxue, ms. beautifuk, mr. brown, etc...) none of them are christians. or at least they do not openly declare their religious inclination. it nearly seems that christians cannot write.

my retort? "why? just because you're christian it means you cannot write properly?"

just today my friend (also a prominent blogger) mentioned to me that he wants to set up a blog for "christian stuff". but he wisely observed that "nobody would read a christian blog."

and thus the really saddening realisation that my blog will never be as big as xiaxue or ms. beautifuk dawned upon me.

is it because i'm not as sarcastic as ms. beautifuk? is it because i do not have great photoshopping skills like ms. wendy cheng? dear oh dear.. maybe i'm in denial or something but i'm more inclined to think that it is because of the nature of my blog.

i'll not be ashamed to be christian. and i'll not be ashamed to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done in my life. but if i want hits, a christian blog is definitely not the way.

because of two main factors - content and readership:

1. face it. controversy and gossip draws readership. bitching and sarcasm entertains the idle internet surfer with nothing better to do. we love to pick on those hopeless blogs wItH sTickYy cApPz and what not, laugh at their stupidity. personally i do not want to slam anyone unnecessarily - we are not acting in love. for Jesus has said "you shall love one another, and by this the world would recognise you as my disciples". if i do not act in love, i'd rather keep my religion a secret.

2. and so this brings me to my second point: people might think we're too goody goody on our blogs. marilyn says she will not bitch about people. oh come on and get off that moral high horse. you're human. do not tell me that you never grumbled about that irritating idiot who got in your way? but that's exactly what being christian is about - to act in love even in the face of unlovable people (which is really tough).

3. some people might have had bad experiences with christians - be it those arm twister evangelists talking your ear off or people who give christianity a bad name. and thus, the entire unfortunate group becomes blacklisted and labelled as the "group which you should stay at least 10 meters away from".

4. living in a multi racial society wherein the only reason why we live in harmony is mainly due to tolerance and not understanding, it's really hard for a reader of a different faith to accept such content. and religion being a sensitive issue, it is always easier (and safer) to do political or social commentaries.

this is just from my personal point of view.

anyway i've got quite a lot of material that got me thinking. more blog entries coming up soon. will just give this entry a few days to settle in.

till next time, God bless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave the blogging to the Biblical characters!

Blogger lyn said...

what do you mean by that?


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