Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the little things in life

a little update just for the sake of it.

it's the holidays now and i know it's all the more reason why i shouldn't be ignoring this blog. but lately i've been busy with a newly undertaken web project that actually will pay me, and it gets pretty demanding to the extent that i haven't got much time for blogging. ask my lj friends and they can verify that.

and to get us into the festive cheer:

- bethesda cathedral's christmas musical, "coming home"; 23rd and 24th december evenings, @ 1930h sharp!

yours truly will be performing in the choir and a rollicking good time is guranteed mainly cos the script is really funny.. that's all i'll reveal for now. =)

tickets (distributed free) are required for entry so do pm me if you are interested. =)


that aside,

in current affairs, aussies enraged cos singapore is meteing out punishment to an aussie drug trafficker.

as a disclaimer: i love australia. really i do. hate the sin, not the sinner yes?

seriously, anyone who is able to reason logically should be able to figure out that given singapore's really tough laws, you cannot possibly expect to be let off easily for a crimminal offence as serious as trafficking drugs.

drug trafficking is not a problem easily solved with just a slap on the hand. furthermore, if we didn't let the americans off, what makes the australians any different? but that, of course, is besides the point.

to put things simply, what the singapore government did was to convict a drug trafficker, not an australian. the case would be the same whether the guy was finnish, dutch, indian, or whatever nationality. so any arguments that are remotely nationalistic can be flushed down the drain.

a law is a law is a law. you break it, be ready to bear the responsibility of your actions. it's as simple as that.

sometimes people can get so uppity about the slightest things without stopping to think whether it is really worth their time and energy to make the big fuss.

if more people put themselves in the shoes of other people, they suddenly find that not everything is about you, yourself and... you. maybe things will be so much easier if people thought about things such as "will the australian government have done the same thing if roles were reversed and a singaporean was caught trafficking drugs in australia?"

unfortunately, not everyone is willing to spare the precious time required to come up with an answer to the above question. it's easier to rage about what a bitch the singapore government is.

cue: empty vessels making the most noise.


Blogger Ellipsis said...

it's a controversial debate. and it's only in recent years that i've begun to rethink my own personal stand on the death penalty/capital punishment. those same thoughts in my head = still the same swirling mess. but the gist of the brownian motion is that question i keep asking myself: given so much of what we see is man-made, should a state even be given the right to take a man's life. punish, yes; but to kill?

i hope the australians are asking that question too and not just lobbying because one of their own is being condemned.

Blogger Zen|th said...

For me, it goes like this. Life is sacred and it's wrong to take someone's life. Even if one has taken the life of another, his life shouldn't be taken as 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Blogger lyn said...

BoY: i doubt it. if you read what beautifuk wrote on the matter (and i agree with what she said) it's more of a nationalistic thing that they are screaming about now.. but well who am i to say anything since #1: i'm no aussie #2: i havent been following up on this issue.

zen|th: 2 wrongs indeed don't make a right. i am still neutral about the death penalty (this post is more about why are the australians making such a ruckus. lol) cos i haven't really thought about it. it's one of those grey area issues akin to the abortion and euthaniasia debates.


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