Thursday, June 09, 2005

to speak to an operator, please press 0

working as a call center operator with the *undisclosed government board* is fairly interesting. one thing, you get to talk to people of different ethnicity and nationalities. you get to hear about the problems of the people, and grouse with them about suffering in singapore because you are suffering too. best of all, you sometimes get guys trying to pick you up if you sound sweet enough on the phone (nevermind if you actually look like an elephant. talk about an ego boost.)

i shall zoom in to the second point.

one of the two common complaints i always get from the fortunate people who manage to call through to my line is "your line very hard to get through leh! don't put me on hold!". (the other being complaints on how unfair the system is.)

in the words of some of my callers, our hotline is really hot.

what can i say since we cater to about 3 million singaporeans? i was just wondering what would happen if God had a call center operating in the fluffy clouds of Heaven.

"Good morning. Welcome to Heaven's hotline.
For English, press 1.
For Hebrew, press 2.
For Greek, press 3.
For Latin, press 4.
For other types of languages, please press 0 and enter your fax number. The language code list (40 pages) will be faxed to you."

*press: 1

"Thank you for calling Heaven's hotline.
To return to the previous menu, press 8. To return to main menu, press 9.

For enquiries on how to be a good Christian, press 1
For enquiries on the devil and sinning, press 2
For biblical assistance in times of trouble, press 3
To make requests for intercessory prayers, press 4
To check on your Christianity status, press 5
To speak with an archangel, press 6
To speak with an angel, press 7
To make an appointment or speak with the Holy Trinity, press 0
To end this call, press #"

*press 0

"Thank you for indicating your desire to commune with God. You are the 5864568248472182356th person in line. Your call is very important to us. Please hold."

"God is busy at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone and we will return your call shortly."


"The mailbox you're trying to reach is full. Goodbye."

well at least this is not reality in Heaven for we all have direct lines to God. thank God for prayers!


Blogger Zen|th said...

They should hire the same people who are doing God's telecommunications. Those guys are good.

Blogger lyn said...

hmmm.. point is where do you find these people? haha

Blogger lyn said...

erm i've always been lazy to hit the caps button? haha. nahz i started this since secondary school.

hmm.. lol you are pardoned. :P


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