Wednesday, December 13, 2006

the significance of christmas

i had a lot of half typed posts saved as drafts in my blogger list.. things that may never see the light of day until.. God knows.

i once told my oikos i had a dream, which was to write for God. that's partially the reason why this blog is set up, why i pursued a course in communications (it's a very indirect link, but there is one anyway), etc. unfortunately my writing has been stagnating these few months, sometimes even deteriorating (oh the horror!).

the above paragraphs have nothing to do with the title of this post.

it's the christmas season. it's hard to ignore that fact when everywhere you go, you get an earful of christmas carols - songs telling us that the reason for the season is Jesus Christ.

as i sang along to some of the songs whilst window shopping, i wonder - have these carols lost their significance? we sing lines such as "men would live forevermore because of christmas day" and "oh come let us adore Him", yet i get this strong feeling that people have become desensitized towards the significance of the songs.

as you grow up, the less excited you feel about christmas because society is gradually making me numb to the commercialized festivities. this year though, i promised myself it will be different.

a part of me wishes that people would stop and listen - listen and think as to why christmas is celebrated. this christmas, i ask that you think and seek the truth with all your heart. and i pray you'll find Him, because i know He's waiting to find you.

hark now hear the angels sing, the King is born to die for our sins, to bridge the great divide.

it's harvest time. it's the time where i stop hiding in my comfortable hermit shell and start waging war on the frontlines. only because i don't want to tell God that i didn't try hard enough to save the ones i love.

i do admit though, i don't like the idea that christmas is so hyped up when easter is obviously the more significant day to celebrate.


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